Saints Projects ″Informance″

Saints Projects ″Informance″

March 13, 2011

Join Christopher Williams for an "Informance" concerning his body of dance works based on the curious lives of medieval saints.  In a unique artist/audience conversation, he will share details of his artistic research and craft, an will show video excerpts illustrating how he used historical literature, early and contemporary music, fastastical prosthetic costuming, and puppetry to create his two critically acclaimed works Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins and The Golden Legend.  Dancer Caitlin Scranton will be present to perform an exerpt with Williams from one of the works.  A free discussion will follow.

Philadelphia Dance Projects
"Informance" with Christopher Williams
Saturday, March 12th, 2011, 7:30pm
Performance Garage
1515 Brandywine Street 
Philadelphia, PA 19130


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