June 15, 2014
On a shared program with choreographers Jules Bakshi, Kira Blazek, Paul Singh, and JinJu Song-Begin, I will present a new work in Douglas Dunn's upcoming Studio Salon Series. Featuring seasoned dancer...
The Indian Queen
November 20, 2013
Henry Purcell died in 1695 while writing his last opera, The Indian Queen. His brother Daniel provided an uninspired completion of the rich, visionary, and transcendent score by the British master. More...
Wolf-in-Skins (dance excerpts) via the Arts Arena in Paris
June 16, 2013
American dancers Caitlin Scranton, Andrew Champlin, and Dylan Crossman joined by two local dancers will perform four dance excerpts from the work-in-progress dance-opera Wolf-in-Skins via the Arts Arena...
Studio 11 Libertà Inagural Festival
May 20, 2013
Christopher Williams and Caitlin Scranton will perform excerpts from Ursula and the 11,000 Virgins and other works for a public celebration to inaugurate the new dance studio (Studio 11 Libertà) at the...
Wolf-in-Skins (preview)
January 26, 2013
Inspired by ancient themes of the "mythic hero′s journey" found in medieval Welsh literature, Wolf-in-Skins is an evening-length "dance-opera" choreographed and directed by Christopher Williams and...
Hen′s Teeth (excerpt)
December 9, 2012
Dancers Jennifer Lafferty, Storme Sundberg, and Banu Ogan will perform an excerpt from Hen′s Teeth (2010) in the Douglas Dunn Salon Festival which also features works by Jules Bakshi, Kira Blazek,...
Wolf-in-Skins Lecture/Demonstration at Watermill
June 16, 2012
Composer Gregory Spears, choreographer Christopher Williams, and costume designer Andrew Jordan will offer a glimpse into the process of making their latest work while in residence at the Watermill Center. ...
APAP Showing
January 8, 2012
Dancers Raja Kelly, Paul Singh, and Christopher Williams perform excerpts from The Portuguese Suite (2006) and Mumbo-jumbo (2010) on a program showcasing excerpts of works by Sarah Skaggs, Jean Butler,...
CD Release Concert & Party
November 21, 2011
Join New Amsterdam Records, composer Gregory Spears, choreographer Christopher Williams, and an ensemble of acclaimed musicians in celebrating the release of Spears′ Requiem which was originally...